10 Newborn Must-Haves to Make Your Life Easier!

10 Newborn Must-Haves to Make Your Life Easier!

Every baby is different so take this and any other ‘must-have’ list with a grain of salt. BUT keep reading to find out the 10 things that made my life with a newborn easier!

  • Newborns sleep…all the time…so having different places to set them helps you do life and keep your baby happy! One of our favorite options is the Leachco Podster. We brought this to friends houses and could set this anywhere in the house and Weston passed right out. It hugs him and makes him feel safe so he can fall asleep easier.
  • A bassinet! We didn’t have this exact one but this would be the perfect one with the drop-down part next to the bed. This is a great way to make the transition to the crib easier as they lay flat on their back and don’t have music, vibrations, etc. just like they will in a crib.
  • This swing is the most magical sleeping device ever created. We didn’t know we needed one until we needed one. There was a phase where he would ONLY sleep in this during the day.
  • We tried a few different swaddles and these were by far the easiest to put on and to stay put. He didn’t wear swaddles for long but these were magnificent in helping him sleep.
  • This sound machine is easy to transport places and I feel like it helps. At the very least it signals to him that it is nap or bedtime.
  • If you are looking for space saving tips, this one is phenomenal for holding all of the millions of blankets, burp cloths, swaddles, washcloths, towels, bed sheets, and whatever else you can think of! Use an over the door shoe organizer with mesh pockets for extra stretch.
  • A monitor is a must now a days but the big debate is video or no video and wifi or no wifi. We opted with a video so we can keep the volume down but still see what’s going on and no wifi in case we are in a place that does not get great internet service. Overall we really like this one because the video quality is great and we can speak into it. There are many times that Weston won’t nap or wakes up before he wants to and we can tell him through the monitor to “grab his bunny and lay down” and he does!
  • We really struggled with what kind of light to use that wouldn’t be too bright for middle of the night changes but bright enough that we can see what we are doing. This one hit the mark and the fact that it dims is a plus!
  • A wipeable changing pad cover is a lifesaver in the early days, especially if you have a boy! Yes you should change the pad everytime it gets dirty but when you are using it 15 times a day that is just not realistic so the middle is a fabric that is easily wiped down with a wipe and lessens the days you have to launder it!
  • This travel changing mat and organizer is absolutely perfect for the diaper bag and I can’t count the number of times I’ve used it!

Babies really do need a TON of stuff and every baby is different but some are similar so I hope that this list helps give you an idea of the things you may want to purchase for your new bundle of joy.

Also if you are just starting your pregnancy journey, make sure to check out my Pregnancy Must-Have List and My Hospital Bag List!

Please reach out with any questions, megcrary13@gmail.com!

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