Pregnancy Must-Haves

Pregnancy Must-Haves

I’m writing this about 4 months postpartum and thought it would be helpful to share some of my things that helped me survive my pregnancy. Those 9 months really restricted my travels but were obviously completely worth it. 😊

Full disclosure: I had an incredibly easy pregnancy, with the worst being some mild sciatica pain and swelling. However, there were definitely favorite outfit pieces and goodies that made it even more comfortable.

My overall favorite site for buying pregnancy related items is Motherhood Maternity. The actual brick and mortar store is usually expensive but there always sales online, so watch for those!

  • Wedge pregnancy pillow: My baby always wanted to somehow lay on a nerve that caused sharp shooting pains in my chest. This pillow wedged just so would move him off of whatever nerve he was hanging out on. Also when I was really large, he was laying more on side of my stomach so I would put the pillow underneath my belly on that side so I didn’t feel like I was squishing him.
  • Sara Happ Lip Slip: During pregnancy my lips were extra dry and this was a savior overnight. If I didn’t apply it at night, my lips were a peeling desert by morning!
  • Motherhood Maternity nightgown: This was something I used in the hospital, at night during and post pregnancy. It is a nursing nightgown also with padding in the bra area so that nursing pads have something to adhere to.
  • Motherhood Maternity shorts: I still wear these to bed now, so flippin’ comfy!!
  • Aerie wireless bra: Wireless bras are the way to go, but these are padded and have the look of a push up bra.
  • Bellaband: This was super handy for that stage in pregnancy where you can’t button your regular pants but maternity pants fall down. The idea with these is you wear your regular pants but don’t button them and this band keeps your pants up! Magic!
  • Honest Beauty Gentle Gel Cleanser:  A lot of women’s skins changes during pregnancy, mine got more sensitive. So I put away my daily exfoliant and picked up these gentle facewash. It treated my skin so good that I’m 4 months postpartum and just got another bottle.
  • Nature Made Prenatal Vitamins: Obviously multivitamins are a must and will unfortunately likely make you feel sick so you might was well get the best bang for your buck. These particular ones have DHA and Iron. Iron is important as you are now sharing your blood with your baby so often iron levels drop. DHA is a kind of fatty acid and during pregnancy it helps your baby’s eyes and brains develop.
  • Maternity Dress:  I wish this company made normal women clothes because oh my this dress was buttery soft! I wore this to my baby shower and got SO many compliments.
  • Motherhood Maternity Fleece sweater:  This is so gosh darn comfortable, I will keep wearing this for years to come, who cares that it’s maternity! It can be worn with sweatpants or it’s nice enough to wear with leggings (because it’s pretty long postpartum) and boots!
  • Lounge pants one size bigger than usual like these or these! I was in heaven when I found these pants and basically lived in these everyday and night that I didn’t leave my house which let’s be honest was quite often the later on In the pregnancy I got.
Rocking the buttery soft dress from Amazon at our baby shower!

Pregnancy is such a unique and special experience for everyone that my must-haves may not be your must-haves but I found lists like these helpful to finding good products.

So I hope you also find this helpful and I wish you the best in your pregnancy journey!

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